Professional Supply Panels

IPTel Solutions is approved so sell directly to customers via a number of National, Federal and State panels.

In addition to those listed below, we also have a number of direct buy panels with specific customers. If you are looking to engage with us at IPTel and you’re not sure of the best panel to use, please email us and we’ll work with you to identify the most appropriate panel:

ICT Supply Panels

Request a Quote

You can access our online Request for Quote Tool here:

Online Store

If you are a pre-approved customer with IPTel, you can access our line store here: 

Federal Supply Panels

Digital Marketplace

The Digital Marketplace ( is an online procurement platform that makes it easier for all levels of government and digital businesses to work together. It’s being delivered by the DTA as part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda.

Sellers approved to apply for opportunities through the Digital Marketplace are all members of the Digital Marketplace Panel.

IPTel Solutions Listing: IPTel Solutions – Digital Marketplace (

The Digital Marketplace ( is an online procurement platform that makes it easier for all levels of government and digital businesses to work together. It’s being delivered by the DTA as part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda.

Sellers approved to apply for opportunities through the Digital Marketplace are all members of the Digital Marketplace Panel.

IPTel Solutions Listing: IPTel Solutions – Digital Marketplace (

New South Wales Supply Panels


The ICT Services Scheme aligns with the NSW Government Beyond Digital Strategy, which provides a comprehensive approach to identifying, sourcing and procuring ICT-related goods and services to ensure government harnesses new, innovative and effective approaches.

Victoria Supply Panels

Healthshare Victoria 2

HSV brings together the experience and expertise of Health Purchasing Victoria (HPV) and Melbourne Health Logistics to provide significant benefits for Victoria’s public health system.

Queensland Supply Panels

Queensland Whole of Government, Standing Offer Arrangements (SOA) for the supply of Telecommunications Network and Cyber Security Products and Services.

ICTSS.1705 Logo

Whole of Government supplier arrangement for supply of Data, Voice,  Mobile, Video, Unified Comms Solutions.

GITC Approved

QLD GITC-3357 Approved.

The Queensland Information Technology Contracting (QITC) framework will be used for any government purchasing of ICT products and services.

Released in August 2017 and co-designed by industry and government, it replaces the Government Information Technology Contracting (GITC) framework.



QAssure Approved: 10383

Business Ready QAssure is the largest database of ICT businesses in Queensland, giving you peace of mind when procuring for Government, Regional Councils or private enterprise.


South Australia Supply Panels

SA - Low Risk Panel

South Australian Government Low value projects below $100,000.

SA - Projects Panel

South Australian Government Low value projects up to $700,000.

SA - Projects Plus

South Australian Government Low value projects from $700,000 to $4.4M

SA - Cyber Panel

South Australian Government Low value projects up to $700,000.

National Supply Panels


Since 2001, Local Buy has been committed to supporting and investing in the advancement of procurement for all 77 Queensland councils and many other organisations and the suppliers they engage, by offering services that help them to reduce risk, save time and realize value in their procurement process.